Kids love Halloween as it is such fun to get dressed up and get candy! Because children are fascinated with halloween, an excellent dinner conversation can be about where did the idea of witches come from? It isn’t a conversation I’d have with a young child, but for an older child, it is a very interesting conversation.
In the last few centuries, there have been periods where healers in villages were seen as a threat to the religious leaders. Healers who could listened to their bodies, who used plants for healing, who encouraged people to look within for answers rather than to leaders, were a threat to the authorities. The healers were demonized for their healing work (called witches inferring the dark arts, not healers). It has taken us quite some time to come back to a culture where we listen to our bodies wisdom and we look within for our soul’s purpose, and we can embrace this with modern science rather than one or the other. I believe knowing this history helps explain some of our reluctance in our culture to look within and trust our bodies and our souls’ wisdom. We live in an amazing time in history where we have the freedom to make our own choices of how to care for our bodies and what we want to believe in.
How do you encourage your children to listen from within?
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